May 22 marks National Maritime Day commemorating the 202nd anniversary of the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by the first steamship SAVANNAH. This crossing revolutionized the transportation of goods and passengers around the world. No longer were ships subject to the fluctuations of the wind. Predictable shipping schedules could be established.
The maritime industry continues to grow and improve its’ services. The invention of containerized shipping meant that cargoes could be loaded and unloaded quickly. Shipping lines built on that by inventing the double-stacked train that facilitated the growth of containerized shipments by train.
Today’s modern fleet of containerships carry more than 20,000 containers per vessel.
The Department of Defense depends upon maritime shipping to move military supplies to where they are needed overseas. During World War II, over 6,700 mariners sacrificed their lives moving equipment and personnel in support of this war. Merchant Mariners had the highest death rate of any of the U.S. military services. Freedom in Europe could not have been won without the merchant mariner.
During the COVID-19 pandemic this past year, maritime workers risked their lives and the lives of their family members by ensuring that goods continued to flow to meet growing consumer demands. Conversely, the pandemic forced the cancellation of thousands of cruise ship voyages resulting in unemployment for thousands of workers. Many people do not realize the number of people that it takes to successfully operate a cruise ship – from the mariners onboard, the cooks and hotel staff, the pilots that safely navigate these ships through our coastal waters – all the way down the supply chain to the farmers that supply the tens of thousands of dozens of eggs and other foods consumed on these floating cities weekly.
So, if you see a maritime worker, thank them for everything they do and the risks they take to put food on your table, televisions in your house, and logistical support for the U.S. military.
On a personal note, on behalf of our Board of Governors, I would like to thank those that serve our industry, without the long hours, sacrifices of being away from families and loved ones, hard work and dedication, our supply chain would not be the global engine that keeps our world running today. You are a huge part of the global community that ensures the movements of passengers and goods and strives to meet their destinations with little to no interruptions. You make it possible for our goods to be available for distribution and meet the needs of manufacturers and consumers, and we could not be more thankful.
Linda Carrion