Letter from the President – July 2021
To our valued members and friends on the waterfront,
My name is Whitney Croxton, your 2021-2022 Propeller Club – Port of Jacksonville President and an advocate for our community’s maritime, transportation and logistics industry. As we prepare to kick-off the year ahead, I would like to take a moment to outline our vision for the club’s future.
The vision focuses on three pillars: People, Advocacy and Service.
Each play a vital role in how we live out the mission of the Propeller Club – to be dedicated to the enhancement and well-being of all interests of the maritime community both in our own community as well as around the globe.
We say our club is ‘Powered by Members’ because we truly are – every event, fundraiser, social post and initiative is the result of the hard work and dedication of our members. So for that reason we are focusing first and foremost on building our membership. This will include a particular focus on filling our open Board positions, engaging our club’s past presidents and consistently working alongside our student ports to foster relationships with the leaders of tomorrow.
It is our responsibility to educate our community about the importance of Jacksonville’s maritime industry. Each of us are intimately aware of the role this industry plays in providing jobs for our neighbors and we want to spread that message to all corners of Northeast Florida for everyone from elected officials to students, business leaders to educators and everyone in between.
This will also include educating our members about legislative issues affecting their business and/or our community on the waterfront.
We round out our vision with a focus on service to our community – in both financial gifts and our time. Our hope is to continue to contribute to scholarships for area transportation and logistics students as well as to invest in the important work our community partner, AMIKids Jacksonville is doing for area youth.
By investing in our community through service – we not only make our hometown better we create opportunities for our members to connect, build stronger relationships and make memories.
This vision is simply a blueprint for the year ahead and if 2020 taught us anything, it is that flexibility and adaptability are key to the success of any organization. As we move forward, we will continue to do just that always keeping the safety of members the top priority.
Leading alongside me at the helm of PropClubJax are a talented group of men and women who will help chart the course for the year ahead and bring this vision to life.
Kenny Santos - Vice President- President Elect
Tom Cancellare – Vice President, Programs
Captain Patricia Malagrino – Vice President, Corporate Membership
Tammy Emerson, W&O Supply
Rick Schiappacassee, JAXPORT
Robert Butts, JAX LNG
Scott Fernandez, Aqua Gulf
Captain Mike Villa, St. Johns Bar Pilots
Lindsey Brock, Mcleod Brock PLLC
Mike Sheklin, SeaWorthy Industries
Vivian Patterson, SSA Marine
Chris SLoope, JZI Intermodal
Melissa Wilson, TOTE Maritime
Emily Black, Crowley
Captain John Redman, McAllister Towing
Gary Salvador, AMPORTS
Travis Johnson, Host Agency
Ed Coppedge, Coppedge Marine
Liz Miller, Liz Miller Solutions
Captain Mark Vlaun, US Coast Guard
Director Jennifer Bradshaw, US Customs & Border Protection
Each of these individuals volunteer their time to serve in this role alongside an already demanding career. Their leadership and sound advice are key to the success of this club.
Technology has helped us navigate the past year and continue to operate our businesses but I think we can agree, no Zoom Call, Go-To-Meeting, Google Hangout or virtual tradeshow will ever replace what an in-person, face-to-face event will do to build a relationship and foster connection among our peers.
If you are not a member of the Jacksonville Propeller Club, please consider joining us or renewing your membership. If you run a business, consider a Corporate Membership and give your employees the opportunity to build their network beyond the walls of your organization.
It is an exciting time for Jacksonville’s transportation, logistics ecosystem – the harbor deepening project is nearly complete, area transportation, and logistics businesses are growing, commercial real estate is booming and there is a demand for an efficient supply chain - the opportunities for Jacksonville are endless.
Come be a part of our organization and let’s do the work together to promote the unique value Jacksonville offers to shippers and transportation and logistics businesses.
Whitney Croxton
Propeller Club – Port of Jacksonville