Student Club: UNF Coggin at the IANA Expo

University of North Florida Coggin College of Business had a team of three students recently compete in the Intermodal Association of North America’s Intermodal EXPO 2019 Student Case Competition in Long Beach, California.

About a month before the competition, groups were given a set of data related to intermodal transport over the last 20 years. They were asked to simply assess the data and prepare a presentation discussing the factors that contributed to the fluctuations in the given areas of intermodal transport (long-haul trucking, international intermodal, domestic intermodal).

Teams were asked to create a PowerPoint and present in front of a panel of judges for ten minutes. After all eight schools presented, the top three schools moved on to a second-round where they were shown a new set of data and forced to analyze it and answer questions on the fly. Coggin was one of these top three schools.

In addition to competing in the Case Competition, UNF's team members and five additional students attended the Expo. They attended learning sessions and were able to network with transportation and logistics professionals from around the country. Students from every university represented were also treated to a boat tour of the Port of Long Beach and the Port of LA.

Please join us in congratulating UNF on this accomplishment!