Letter from the President - Oct. 2016
It has been three months since I became President of this fine club. What a whirlwind of activity we’ve enjoyed, and I wouldn't have it any other way!I want to give a huge thank you to our Board and our executive officers who are the ones who make this club happen. We couldn't do what we do without incredible teamwork. I also want to thank all of our Corporate Members. It is your generosity that allows us to give to the numerous charities that we support, and continue to fund our UNF endowment and scholarship.As you know, today (Oct. 1) is a somber day for our maritime community: the anniversary of the El Faro incident. Speaking on behalf of the Board, our thoughts and prayers are with the families, friends and colleagues of the crew. We will always remember them. The Seamen’s Church Institute established the El Faro Relief Fund last year and continues to accept donations to provide financial assistance to the families and dependents of the seafarers lost at sea. Click here for more info.Propeller Club EventsThank you to all who attended our Change of Command event in June. We had record attendance. We honored our wonderful past President Virginia Bailey, recognized Doug Straatsma as the 2015-2016 Robert J. “Bobby” Coppedge Maritime Person of the Year, and bestowed Jim Moseley with the Robert Coppedge Lifetime Achievement Award.Last month we also enjoyed record attendance at our Membership Social, which is an event dedicated to introducing new members to the club. My goal as President is to grow our membership. We signed on new members that evening and also welcomed a new Corporate Member. We have had 25 new members sign up since June, and I plan on having another 25 sign up in the next three months.Next on our event calendar is the club’s CEO Spotlight luncheon - Oct. 12 at the River Club Downtown. Tickets are still available, so be sure to sign up this week! Our keynote speaker is Capt. Jeff Dixon, Sector Commander/Captain of the Port, United States Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville. The Captain is an excellent speaker and I believe you’ll get a lot of very useful information about our local port. Click here to purchase tickets.Then of course we have our signature event, the 6th Annual Pirate Party Fundraiser benefiting Safe Harbor Maritime Academy/Boys Home on Saturday, Nov. 5! This year’s event will be held at the FOP Lodge 17 in Jacksonville Beach. Argggg! This party is the party of the year, it shouldn't be missed, and it is for such a great cause. All proceeds go to Safe Harbor. This year the money we raise will go to improving the facility’s front area, including signage, plumbing, landscaping and beautification of the school grounds.At this event, everyone dresses up, there is a full dinner, full bar, music, auctions, costume contest, picture opportunities, the list goes on. Bring your friends and family, but note that it is an adult event. I am still looking for sponsors and donations for this event. If you would like to be a sponsor or a donor, please reach out to Catherine Sarvis, our club’s Secretary at propclubjax@gmail.com or myself.Check it out and buy your tickets today!Last but not least for 2016 is the club’s holiday event: Holiday Tee Time at the new Top Golf facility on Dec. 8. We’re trying something new for the holidays with a networking and fun golf event there. We will be sending out information on this event soon.Have a great month and I hope to see you at many of our upcoming events! Don't be a stranger!Tammy EmersonPresidentThe Propeller Club of the United States – Port of Jacksonville