Jacksonville Women's Leadership Symposium to be held Sept. 23
U.S. Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville, in partnership with the U.S. Navy League Mayport Council, will host the third annual Jacksonville Women's Leadership Symposium for Men and Women on Wednesday, Sept. 23 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. The event is free to attend, but you must RSVP as seating is limited.The symposium is a forum where military and civilian women and men can discuss pertinent leadership issues that women face in the workplace today. Many of the participants in this year's Symposium currently reside in the local area and are dynamic leaders with great perspective to offer.Jacksonville Women's Leadership Symposium for Men & WomenWednesday, Sept. 23, 2015Jacksonville Public Library303 N. Laura Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202Please use the Main Street Entrance to the Library.[button link="http://www.uscg.mil/d7/sectJacksonville/2015JacksonvilleWomensLeadershipSymposium.asp" linking="default" size="medium" type="simple" text_color="#ffffff"]Register[/button]Uniform/Attire:Coast Guard - Tropical Blue Long with Garrison CoverNavy - Summer Khaki/Summer WhiteArmy - Army Green/Class BMarine Corps - Service "C"Air Force - Blues with Short Sleeve ShirtCivilian - Business CasualIt's free to attend but seating is limited so please register to attend.Click here to RSVP.