Military to Maritime Event to be held June 4

Interested in Transitioning from the Military to a Career in Maritime?Attend the Military to Maritime event on June 4!June 4, 2014 from 1300 to 1700JAXPORT Cruise Terminal9810 August Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32226[button link="" size="medium"]Register Today![/button]For more information:

Attendee informationAs maritime transportation leaders, we understand the value that military veterans either retiring or separating from the various service branches bring to the table. Our industry needs the talent and expertise that current and former members of the military possess in order to fill positions being vacated by current workers as well as new positions being regularly added as the industry continues to experience growth.crowley2As part of our commitment to working with service members, we invite all current and former military personnel to join representatives from some of Jacksonville’s largest maritime companies along with union and other industry representatives for an informational session on the maritime industry and how military members can transition into it. Attendees will also be offered a tour of a Crowley tug boat and be given a chance to ask questions of the crew. You will also have the opportunity to speak with shoreside personnel.Exhibitor informationAs one of Florida’s key maritime-related employers you are invited to attend our military-to-maritime career information day, June 4th in Jacksonville. By exhibiting you can put your company in front of some of the state’s most skilled and dedicated employees who are looking to transition from the military into positions in the maritime industry, or related fields such as trade, transportation and logistics. We are hopeful that you can share information with attendees about the skills and qualifications you are looking for to fill positions within your company as well as any advice you might have to help our service men and women transition into these new opportunities.[button link="" size="medium"]Sign up to exhibit![/button]The video below is linked from SMART - the Southeast Maritime and Transportation Center, a National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education Center: