Propeller Club February events: Sign up today!

The Propeller Club is organizing two big events this month: our Student Social on Feb. 7, and the annual State of the Port luncheon on Feb. 13.The Propeller Club’s annual Student Social provides members with a chance to meet the maritime industry leaders of tomorrow, while transportation and logistics students learn more about the companies represented at the club. This is one the most important events linking the Propeller Club with the Student Club at UNF (Transportation and Logistics Society), so having club participation is critical to making this a success. All the details are on this web page - sign up today!In a couple of weeks, at our club’s annual “State of the Port Address”, club members and guests will have a chance to network as well as receive a port update from JAXPORT CEO Brian Taylor. Limited ticketing opportunities remain - visit this web page for details and sign up today to ensure you have a seat!