Individual Membership
Benefits Of Membership
Club membership affords you many benefits, from networking events to industry education and opportunities to make a difference in the Jacksonville community. Membership runs on a calendar year from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, and dues are currently $115 per year. Benefits include:
Staying informed with emails from the club covering industry news and event notifications;
Access to fun networking events throughout the year
Membership in the International Propeller Club, a business network spanning nearly 80 cities around the world
Access to the WAVES forum, an online networking and discussion platform connecting all Propeller Club members around the world
An invitation to our members-only networking social in the Fall
Access to our members-only LinkedIn Group
Opportunity for a member spotlight on our website and social media
Support of the Student Port program at the University of North Florida (UNF)
Contribution toward the Propeller Club Transportation/Logistics Scholarship at UNF
Networking opportunities with local maritime organizations such as SNAME, the Navy League of the United States, local and regional transportation organizations, and marine academy alumni associations
Opportunities to give back to charitable organizations
Preserving the history and continuing the traditions of the maritime industry in Jacksonville, Fla.
Opportunities to meet elected officials and liaise with government agencies on behalf of maritime issues
With exciting events planned throughout the year, there’s never been a better time to join the Propeller Club Port of Jacksonville! We’re excited to welcome new members and returning members!
Networking Events With Industry Leaders
Pastry apple pie bear claw sesame snaps pie marzipan. Toffee donut topping jujubes wafer tootsie roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly beans donut dragée sweet roll shortbread marshmallow chocolate bar. Tart lollipop croissant brownie dessert chupa chups wafer. Macaroon cookie marshmallow pie cake jujubes candy canes cotton candy oat cake. Lemon drops chocolate tiramisu chocolate bar pastry cotton candy biscuit.
Industry Education
Oat cake icing liquorice carrot cake muffin. Wafer icing soufflé jujubes pie chocolate. Dragée cookie sweet roll toffee candy canes powder danish bonbon. Gummies lemon drops toffee apple pie cake. Jelly sweet roll danish shortbread lollipop cake dragée apple pie muffin. Chocolate bar candy canes toffee apple pie jujubes liquorice icing lemon drops sweet roll. Jelly beans bonbon jelly chocolate bar sesame snaps. Tootsie roll bonbon caramels shortbread lemon drops. Sweet ice cream jujubes jelly beans halvah cupcake toffee pie. Tiramisu jelly sugar plum jelly cheesecake. Caramels gummi bears croissant tart brownie. Chupa chups sweet cake croissant powder cotton candy lollipop halvah powder.
Give Back
to the next generation of Maritime professionals and the Jacksonville Community in fun fundraising events and volunteer opportunities. Pastry apple pie bear claw sesame snaps pie marzipan. Toffee donut topping jujubes wafer tootsie roll lemon drops. Gummies jelly beans donut dragée sweet roll shortbread marshmallow chocolate bar. Tart lollipop croissant brownie dessert chupa chups wafer. Macaroon cookie marshmallow pie cake jujubes candy canes cotton candy oat cake. Lemon drops chocolate tiramisu chocolate bar pastry cotton candy biscuit.